How to add or update docs ========================= Documentation files live in ``/doc`` directory in the source tree, so adding or updating documentation follows the same process as changing the code. If you've never done it before, start by carefully reading the :doc:`/dev_guide/development_guide`. To add or update a documentation page, you need to create or modify an ``.rst`` file in the ``/doc`` directory and send a patch for review. People who are registered in MAINTAINERS file for doc/ directory will be automatically added to the patch as reviewers. However, you are very welcome to add more reviewers who know the subject. In fact, it is always a good idea to add someone who has knowledge of the specific area you are documenting. We are using Sphinx doc engine for documentation (see and reStructured Text format for content. reStructuredText Primer page has more details Brand new page needs to be added to the appropriate ``index.rst`` file under ``/doc`` directory (that could be a root index file or nested one). To test your changes, build flashrom with documentation and open generated ``.html`` file in the browser. Generated ``.html`` files are in meson ``builddir/doc/html`` directory. Misc questions -------------- * We use CC-BY-4.0 license for documentation. * Writing style can be formal or informal, it's mostly up to you, the important thing is to make the text clear, readable and unambiguous. You can insert images if this really helps the readers to understand the instructions. * Documentation should be relevant to either flashrom usage or flashrom development